It ѕееmѕ that our dауѕ аrе getting buѕiеr, and it's often hаrd tо gеt a quick and healthy family dinner rесiре оn the tаblе at a rеаѕоnаblе time. Family dinners аrе аn important part оf the dау, and worth planning аhеаd to make sure there is a healthy quick dinner recipe available. Finding healthy rесiреѕ that are quick and easy саn be a challenge, but with a little planning аhеаd cooking dinner саn be a snap. There will a series of quick and healthy easy-to-make family dinners. Pаn-Friеd ... View the Post
Healthy Alternatives To Halloween Sweets
This post contains affiliate links. Please view our disclosure. With Halloween approaching, parents all over the world are facing a huge question – how many sweets is too many? If you ask me, reduce them as much as you can. Let the Halloween costumes be scary, not the health hazards coming through sugar. You don’t have to expose your children or the children who come trick or treating to the short-term satisfaction and long-term sugar addiction. I did some research and came ... View the Post
14 Easy, Healthy Snacks your Kids will Love
The 4 o'clock crazies are real. You know that time -- when they come home from school, cranky, attitude and whiny. Your son or daughter, normally a sweet, well-behaved, funny kid, turned into this little monster. And all you have to do to change them back is to feed them some healthy snacks. So what can you give them that are cheap, easy, fast and healthy snacks? Here's a list of my go-to 14 snacks that will keep the 4 o'clock crazies from ruining your dinner time: 1. Pull out the fruit. So ... View the Post
How to deal with separation anxiety
When your child screams if you leave the room, what do you do? Do you know how to deal with separation anxiety? Children who desperately feel the need to stay with their moms are more likely to have separation anxiety. This is a form of a mental and emotional insecurity that the child feels when their parents are not around. The main reason for this separation anxiety can sometimes be related to the early pregnancy trauma. Or it might be something else that the parents go through later in ... View the Post
Food allergy symptoms in children: 5 tips on how to cope
Food allergy symptoms in children are a parent's worst nightmare. As a mother, I am so thankful that my son doesn't seem to have any food allergy symptoms. None of us want our kids to experience that difficulty. It's one of the top 3 things we pray we avoid when we become parents. When you first become a parent, these days you start looking out for signs of food allergies in your child right away. That way you can do something about it, sooner rather than later. You may even want to ... View the Post
How Divorce Affects Children: 10 ways to help
Divorce is hard on everyone involved. While parents get a divorce, it's never an easy experience for the children . But you can help how divorce affects children. It doesn’t have to be too painful. By sticking to several ground rules and being there for your kids, you can avoid any long-term traumas. When you know your children are not suffering, you will go through this period easier as well. Here are some basic tips on how to make how divorce affects children easier for all ... View the Post