When it comes to school problems your kid might experience, it is always tricky. You were not there and you can only rely on what your kids or teachers can tell you. That’s why it is important to stay highly rational and collaborate with your child honestly.
Here are some practical tips to help you solve your child’s school problems as efficiently as you can.
1. Give it a day
If the situation isn’t urgent, don’t push your child to talk if they are not ready. Let them sort out things in their head and encourage them to talk when they feel like it.
2. Talk to your child’s teacher
Teachers often have an insight in some segments of your child’s life that’s off-limits to you. Maybe they know something that could help you get a better perspective regarding your child’s problem.
3. Help your child with studying
If your child is having some troubles with learning and grades, invest some extra time to help them do their homework and study. Try to keep things interesting and come up with fun ways to present them with the materials.
4. Talk to the school counsellor
If your child is facing a more complex situation (for instance, worryingly low performance in school or bullying), talk to the school counsellor or psychologist. They should be able to work with you and your child within a wider context.
5. Talk to the school principal
Some problems require you to cooperate with the head of the school, especially if the problem relates to a specific teacher or a bullying situation. Get informed about your rights and require the school to take an appropriate action.
6. File a complaint
If you don’t receive a satisfying response from the school officials, you can file a formal complaint (every school has a formal complaint procedure) or send a complaint to a local education authority.
7. Be open with your child
If you have already built an open, honest relationship with your child, talking about the school-related problems shouldn’t be a problem. Let your kid know you are available to them no matter what and they can trust you.
8. Talk to other parents
If your child is having a problem involving another child, try approaching other parents. It is in their best interest to get the problem solved as well.
9. Check if there is an underlying problem
Maybe your child has some bad scores because they don’t get along with other kids in school or maybe they skip drama classes because they are more into football. Talk to your kid to get to know what’s really going on.
10. Consider a wider context
Ask yourself some essential questions – Have situations like this one happened before? Does this seem like a phase or a reoccurring model of behavior? Be honest with yourself and accept whatever is going on. It’s the only way to attack the core of the problem.
11. Show a genuine interest
No matter how simple your child’s school-related problem might seem, you need to pay attention to everything they have to say and let them know they can rely on you. Even if your schedule is too busy, this is something that should immediately climb on the top of your priority list.
12. Don’t overreact
Too much drama can make things worse. Perhaps the problem is much simpler than it seems at first. None of us enjoys hearing bad news from our kids’ school but you have to stay rational in order to take effective actions.
13. Know the rules
Get familiar with the rules of the school your child attends, as well as with the school laws in your area. Pay a particular attention to those rules relating to your child’s specific problems in order to be able to come up with a legit solution.
14. Collaborate with your partner
Some parents prefer handling things on their own for a number of reasons, but collaboration with their partner on such important issues might increase their chances of solving things more efficiently. Share the responsibilities!
15. See a professional
It is always difficult to admit your child faces some challenges but seeing a professional can help many children overcome those challenges much faster. By adopting this practice, your child can benefit in the longer run.
And, finally, keep your head up. School problems come and go, kids grow up and leave them behind. The great thing is that you show interest in reacting to those problems, which immediately increases your chances to end them as soon as possible.
Has your child experienced problems at school? Share your story in the comments!
For more tips on how to help your child with their problems, check out How to Turn Your Child’s Challenges into Opportunities
Sometimes just watching and listening for a few days solves the problem. After that I always check with other parents to see how they are getting along and next teacher and upward.
Like a lot of problems our kids have, sometimes it isn’t as serious as it first looks. Great point.
Wow every single one of these 15 points is really helpful. Keeping for later thanks.
So glad you found it helpful! And thanks for reading.
I remember how tough school could be and how common bullying is- I pray my daughter won’t have to go through that. But, if she ever does, your 15 tips are extremely helpful. Thanks for sharing!
My pleasure. The most important part is to stay open and communicative. Let her share her thoughts and open up with you.